Thank you for taking the time to visit our website. We invite you to take a few minutes to find out more about the organization and the numerous services and resources we provide or are able to connect you to. Our PILLARS of focus are: HOUSING, FOOD & NUTRITION, HEALTH and ASSET ATTAINMENT. It is our hope that you will utilize these services or share the information with others who may benefit. RKCAA’s goal is to ensure that individuals and families are supported as they strive to remain self-sufficient or become self sufficient. These services and the work we do is important and critical to the growth and well-being of the communities we serve.
The Racine offices are located on the corner of Wisconsin Street and Goold and 21st and Memorial Drive.
How to Donate to Racine Programs and Initiatives
Serving the community is our priority. Please partner with RKCAA to ensure those in need are served. Click on the donate button below. All donations are tax-deductible. Donations can also be mailed or delivered to the Racine location, 2113 North Wisconsin Street, Racine, WI 53402