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WIC provides healthy food via an eWIC card you can use at grocery stores. Meet 1:1 with a dietitian and get tips on feeding your family!

  • Benefits to buy healthy foods that keep you and your family healthy and strong
  • Nutrition information and breastfeeding information and support
  • Health and diet assessments; individualized nutrition counseling. Hemoglobin (iron) and blood lead testing; monitor growth (weight and height)
  • Cooking activities in our Teaching Kitchen
  • Information and referrals to other community resources and programs

Many working families qualify for WIC. You may be eligible if you currently receive Kinship Care, FoodShare, or Medicaid, including Badgercare Plus.

WIC Income Guidelines
WIC Hours of Opperation
WIC Nutrition Media
Nondiscrimination Clause
WIC Forms
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WIC on the Go

Women, Infants and Children (WIC) is excited to offer its new mobile health clinic, WIC on the Go. WIC on the Go brings much-needed services directly to income-qualified pregnant and postpartum women and children under five. Services that are provided through WIC on the Go include height/weight measurements, healthy meal planning, EWIC cards, blood tests and resources on breastfeeding. 

WIC on the Go helps those with transportation or work schedule challenges by bringing “front-door” health and nutrition services directly to women and children throughout Kenosha County with day and evening appointments.

The United States Department of Agriculture’s federal nutrition program, Women, Infants and Children, commonly known as WIC, has been active in Kenosha County for over 30 years. For more information on WIC on the Go, email [email protected] or call to schedule an appointment, 262-657-0840.

We are here for you and your family, just give us a call!

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Breastfeeding Program

WIC promotes and supports breastfeeding as the ideal method of feeding and nurturing infants.

Our goal is to help women successfully breastfeed their babies.

At WIC, all of our staff have gone through general or specialized training to provide evidence-based information and education to pregnant women, and to support breastfeeding families. We offer group sessions, both during pregnancy for you and your support team to learn about breastfeeding, as well as after your baby arrives to meet with other new moms for additional support. Our Peer Counselor can offer you more individualized support at the office or through a home or hospital visit.

Contact our Breastfeeding Peer Counselor:

Phone: (262) 657-0840 ext. 225
Text: (262) 902-8284

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Farmers Market Nutrition Program (FMNP)

The 2024 season has concluded. The 2025 WIC Farmer Market Nutrition Program season will begin June 1st. Please check back here in May for more information.

For more information, visit the Wisconsin Farmers Market Nutrition Program page.